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- 水瓶如我們這個肉身,內中的水如我們的能量;
- 水要形成漩渦,是消去打擊力最佳的方式,也是對水瓶傷害最小之方式;
- 水不可滿,若滿無法通過漩渦來卸力,此為虛心;
- 水瓶豎立,方可打出漩渦,此為立身中正;
- 漩渦的中心處在水麵下方,此為實腹。
A large kingdom must be like the low ground towards which all streams flows down.
It must be a point towards which all things under heaven converge.
Its part must be that of the female in its dealings with all things under heaven.
The female by quiescence conquers the male; by quiescence gets underneath.
If a large kingdom can in the same way succeed in getting underneath a small kingdom then it will win the adherence of the small kingdom; and it is because small kingdoms are by nature in this way underneath large kingdoms that they win the adherence of large kingdoms.
The one must get underneath in order to do it; the other is underneath and therefore does it.
(What large countries really need is more inhabitants; and what small countries need is some place where their surplus inhabitants can go and get employment.)
Thus each gets what it needs.
That is why I say the large kingdom must “get underneath”.
大國者下流,翻譯的很好。A large kingdom must be like the low ground towards which all streams flows down.
Tao in the Universe is like the south-west corner in the house.
It is the treasure of the good man,
The support of the bad.
There is a traffic in speakers of fine words;
Persons of grave demeanour are accepted as gifts;
Even the bad let slip no opportunity to acquire them.
Therefore on the day of an Emperor’s enthronement
Or at the installation of the three officers of State
Rather than send a team of four horses, preceded by a disc of jade,
Better were it, as can be done without moving from one’s seat, to send this Tao.
For what did the ancients say of this Tao, how did they prize it?
Did they not say of those that have it “Pursuing, they shall catch; pursued, they shall escape?”
They thought it, indeed, most precious of all things under heaven.
道者萬物之奧的奧,為什麼翻譯成south-west corner in the house,西南角,不知什麼典故。
It acts without action, does without doing, finds flavour in what is flavourless,
Can make the small great and the few many,
“Requites injuries with good deeds,
Deals with the hard while it is still easy,
With the great while it is still small.”
In the governance of empire everything difficult must be dealt with while it is still easy,
Everything great must be dealt with while it is still small.
Therefore the Sage never has to deal with the great; and so achieves greatness.
But again “Light assent inspires little confidence
And ‘many easies’ means many a hard.”
Therefore the Sage knows too how to make the easy difficult, and by doing so avoid all difficulties!
Light assent inspires little confidence來翻譯輕諾必寡信,翻譯的不太適合
- 2019/04/14 道德經英譯本點評(五十八到六十章)
- 2019/04/04 道德經英譯本點評(五十五到五十七章)
- 2019/03/31 道德經英譯本點評(五十二到五十四章)
- 2019/03/26 道德經英譯本點評(四十九到五十一章)
- 2019/03/23 道德經英譯本點評(四十六到四十八章)
Jesse Lau
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