
2019-03-23 约 920 字 预计阅读 2 分钟


If a Nobel Prize for Peace could be given to a spontaneous statement for wisdom and courage, rather to a person, New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern deserves it. The words spoken by her after the terror attack in Christchurch were few. They are unforgettable. One single, three word sentence, the most so. Referring to the 49 or more killed, she said: “They are us”. Not “they are one of us”, or “they could have been you or me”. None of that cautious, self-insulating, self-indemnifying vagueness. Simply, they are us.

我也隨手簽名了,我想如果說得出THEY ARE US的人獲得和平獎,世界想來也會美麗一些。




When there is Tao in the empire
The galloping steeds are turned back to fertilize the ground by their droppings.
When there is not Tao in the empire

War horses will be reared even on the sacred mounds below the city walls.
No lure is greater than to possess what others want,

No disaster greater than not to be content with what one has,

No presage of evil greater than men should be wanting to get more.
Truly: “He who has once known the contentment that comes simply through being content, will never again be otherwise than contented”.

galloping:(of a horse) go at the pace of a gallop.馳騁

steed:a horse being ridden or available for riding. 戰馬

fertilize:cause (an egg, female animal, or plant) to develop a new individual by introducing male reproductive material. 施肥

on the sacred mounds below the city walls:不知是何西方典故。以之譯生於郊

lure:something that tempts or is used to tempt a person or animal to do something. 誘惑力

be content with what one has:以之譯知足

presage:a sign or warning that something, typically something bad, will happen; an omen or portent.預示。以之譯



Without leaving his door
He knows everything under heaven.
Without looking out of his window
He knows all the ways of heaven.
For the further one travels
The less one knows.
Therefore the Sage arrives without going,
Sees all without looking,
Does nothing, yet achieves everything.





Learning consists in adding to one’s stock day by day;
The practice of Tao consists in “subtracting day by day,
Subtracting and yet again subtracting
Till one has reached inactivity.
But by this very inactivity
Everything can be activated.”
Those who of old won the adherence of all who live under heaven
All did so not interfering.
Had they interfered,
They would never have won this adherence.


adherence:忠誠。win this adherence:以之譯取天下


Jesse Lau

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