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Banish wisdom, discard knowledge,
And the people will be benefited a hundredfold.
Banish human kindness, discard morality,
And the people will be dutiful and compassionate.
Banish skill, discard profit,
And thieves and robbers will disappear.
hundredfold 百倍 compassionate:feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others. 慈
If when these three things are done they find life too plain and unadorned,
Then let them have accessories;
Give them Simplicity to look at, the Uncarved Black to hold,
Give them selflessness and fewness of desires.
Banish learning, and there will be no more grieving.
unadorned 簡樸 accessories:附件來翻譯所屬似不妥。此所屬為心有所屬之意。亦即陰符經之絕利一源,用師十倍之意。 見素抱樸乃直譯,感覺不佳。 selflessness 無私
Between wei and o
What after all is the difference?
Can it be compared to the difference between good and bad?
The saying “what others avoid I too must avoid”
How false and superficial it is?
superficial:existing or occurring at or on the surface. 浮於表麵。以之譯未央
All men, indeed, are wreathed in smiles,
As though feasting after the Great Sacrifice,
As though going up to the Spring Carnival.
I alone am inert, like a child that has not yet given sign;
Like an infant that has not yet smiled.
I droop and drift, as though I belonged nowhere.
All men have enough and to spare;
I alone seem to have lost everything.
Mine is indeed the mind of a very idiot,
So dull am I.
The world is full of people that shine;
I alone am dark.
They look lively and self-assured;
I alone depressed.
wreathe 環繞
inert:lacking the ability or strength to move. 以之譯泊挺好,泛若不係之舟
Like an infant that has not yet smiled. 這個是曲解了。嬰兒之未孩,純屬天真,神態自若之樣。
droop and drift 下垂漂移
lively and self-assured:活潑自信,以之譯察察
depressed:鬱悶來譯悶悶,不佳,以silent靜 譯之更好。曾於定中得句:悶出一條長生路
All men can be put to some use;
I alone am intractable and boorish.
But wherein I most am different from men
Is that I prize no sustenance that comes not from the Mother’s breast.
intractable:hard to control or deal with. 頑 boorish: rough and bad-mannered; coarse.鄙 sustenance:營養
Such the scope of the All-pervading Power.
That it alone can act through the Way.
For the Way is a thing impalpable, incommensurable.
Incommensurable, impalpable.
Yet latent in it are forms;
Impalpable, incommensurable
Yet within it are entities.
Shadowy it is and dim;
Yet within it there is a force,
Is none the less efficacious.
All-pervading:having an effect on everything or throughout something. 無所不在
impalpable: unable to be felt by touch.恍 incommensurable:not able to be judged by the same standard as something; having no common standard of measurement.惚
latent:(of a quality or state) existing but not yet developed or manifest; hidden; concealed. 隱。以之形容其中有象的隱
entity:a thing with distinct and independent existence. 實物
Shadowy dim 影 暗淡,以之譯杳兮冥兮
force:strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement.以之譯精
efficacious:(typically of something inanimate or abstract) successful in producing a desired or intended result; effective. 靈
From the times of old till now
Its charge has not departed
But cheers onward the many warriors.
How do I know that the many warriors are so?
Through this.
warriors: (especially in former times) a brave or experienced soldier or fighter. 用士來譯眾甫,難為了。
- 2019/03/10 道德經英譯本點評(十六到十八章)
- 2019/03/09 道德經英譯本點評(十三到十五章)
- 2019/03/08 道德經英譯本點評(十到十二章)
- 2019/03/07 道德經英譯本點評(七到九章)
- 2019/03/06 道德經英譯本點評(四到六章)

Jesse Lau
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