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My words are very easy to understand and very easy to put into practice.
Yet no one under heaven understands them; no one puts them into practice.
But my words have an ancestry, my deeds have a lord; and it is precisely because men do not understand this that they are unable to understand me.
Few then understand me, but it is upon this very fact my value depends.
It is indeed in this sense that “the Sage wears haircloth on top, but carries jade underneath his dress.”
Few then understand me, but it is upon this very fact my value depends.知我者希,則我者貴。 翻譯的很好。
haircloth - 毛織品
“To know when one does not know is best.
To think one knows when one does not know is a dire disease.
Only he who recognizes this disease as a disease
Can cure himself of the disease.
The Sage’s way of curing disease
Also consists in making people recognize their diseases as diseases and thus ceasing to be diseased.
病病,以病為病 recognizes this disease as a disease
Never mind if the people are not intimidated by your authority.
A Mightier Authority will deal with them in the end.
Do not narrow their dwelling or harass their lives; and for the very reason that you do not harass them, they will cease to turn from you.
Therefore the Sage knows himself but does not show himself. Knows his own value, but does not put himself on high.
Truly, he rejects that but takes this.
intimidate:frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants. 威嚇
harass:subject to aggressive pressure or intimidation. 騷擾
- 2019/07/18 道德經英譯本點評(六十七到六十九章)
- 2019/07/01 道德經英譯本點評(六十四到六十六章)
- 2019/06/24 道德經英譯本點評(六十一到六十三章)
- 2019/04/14 道德經英譯本點評(五十八到六十章)
- 2019/04/04 道德經英譯本點評(五十五到五十七章)

Jesse Lau
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