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Every one under heaven says that our Way is greatly like folly.
But it is just because it is great, that it seems like folly.
As for things that do not seem like folly — well, there can be no question about their smallness!
Here are my three treasures.
Guard and keep them!
The first is pity; the second, frugality; the third, refusal to be “foremost of all things under heaven.”
For only he that pities is truly able to be brave;
Only he that is frugal is able to be profuse.
Only he that refuse to be foremost of all things
Is truly able to become chief of all Ministers.
At present your bravery is not based on pity, nor your profusion on frugality, nor your vanguard on your rear; and this is death.
But pity cannot fight without conquering or guard without.
But pity cannot fight without conquering or guard without saving.
Heaven arms with pity those whom it would not see destroyed.
此章重點看的是三寶的譯法: pity - the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering and misfortunes of others. 憐憫 以之譯慈。 本人以為用sympathy或更好一些。
frugality - the quality of being economical with money or food; thriftiness. 節儉
refusal to be “foremost of all things under heaven.” -不敢為天下先
The best charioteers do not rush ahead;
The best fighters do not make displays of wrath.
The greatest conqueror wins without joining issue;
The best user of men acts as though he were their inferior.
This is called the power that comes of not contending,
Is called the capacity to use men,
The secret of being mated to heaven, to what was of old.
重點是不爭之德 the power that comes of not contending,
The strategists have the sayings: “When you doubt your ability to meet the enemy’s attack, take the offensive yourself”’ and “If you doubt your ability to advance an inch, then retreat a foot”.
This latter is what we call to march without moving,
To roll the sleeve, but present no bare arm,
The hand that seems to hold, yet had no weapon in it,
A host that can confront, yet presents no battle-front.
Now the greatest of all calamities is to attack and find no enemy.
I can have no enemy only at the price of losing my treasure.
Therefore when armies are raised and issues joined it is he who does not delight in war that wins.
This latter is what we call to march without moving, To roll the sleeve, but present no bare arm, The hand that seems to hold, yet had no weapon in it, A host that can confront, yet presents no battle-front.
- 2019/07/01 道德經英譯本點評(六十四到六十六章)
- 2019/06/24 道德經英譯本點評(六十一到六十三章)
- 2019/04/14 道德經英譯本點評(五十八到六十章)
- 2019/04/04 道德經英譯本點評(五十五到五十七章)
- 2019/03/31 道德經英譯本點評(五十二到五十四章)

Jesse Lau
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