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“To remain whole, be twisted!”
To become straight, let yourself be bent.
To become full, be hollow.
Be tattered, that you may be renewed.
Those that have little, may get more,
Those that have much, are but perplexed.
Therefore the ; Sage
Clasps the Primal Unity,
Testing by it everything under heaven.
twisted:cause to rotate around something that remains stationary; turn. 最近的網紅詞 盤,以之譯曲
tattered:old and torn; in poor condition.弊
perplexed:completely baffled; very puzzled.惑
Clasps:grasp (something) tightly with one’s hand.抱
Primal:essential; fundamental. 本質的
He does not show himself; therefore he seen everywhere.
He does not define himself, therefore he is distinct.
He does not boast of what he will do, therefore he succeeds.
He is not proud of his work, and therefore it endures.
He does not contend,
And for that very reason no one under heaven can contend with him.
distinct:recognizably different in nature from something else of a similar type.獨特的,以之譯彰
boast:talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities. 吹niubility。以之譯自伐
endure:remain in existence; last.長
So then we see that the ancient saying “To remain whole, be twisted!”
was no idle word; for true wholeness can only be achieved by return.
To be always talks is against nature.
For the same reason a hurricane never lasts a whole morning, nor a rainstorm all day. Who is it that makes the wind and rain? It is Heaven-and Earth.
And if even Heaven-and Earth cannot blow or pour for long, how much less in his utterance should man?
hurricane:a storm with a violent wind, in particular a tropical cyclone in the Caribbean.狂風
utterance:a spoken word, statement, or vocal sound. 發聲
Truly, if one uses the Way as one’s instrument, the results will be like the Way; if one uses the “power” as instrument, the results will be like the “power”. If one uses what is the reverse of the “power”, the results will be the reverse of the “power”.
For to those who have conformed themselves to the Way, the Way readily lends its power. To those who have conformed themselves to the power, the power readily, lends more power. While to those who conform themselves to inefficacy, inefficacy readily lends its ineffectiveness.
“It is by not believing in people that you turn them into liars.”
conform:comply with rules, standards, or laws.符合 inefficacy:無效率
‘He who stands on tip-toe, does not stand firm;
He who takes the longest strides, does not walk the fastest.”
He who does his own looking sees little,
He who defines himself is not therefore distinct.
He who boasts of what he will do succeeds in nothing;
He who is proud of his work, achieves nothing that endures.
stands on tip-toe:踮腳,以之譯企
strides:a long, decisive step.大步走,以之譯跨
Of these, from the standpoint of the Way, it is said:
“Pass round superfluous dishes to those that have already had enough,
And no creature but will reject them in disgust.”
That is why he that possesses Tao does not linger.
superfluous:unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.
linger:stay in a place longer than necessary, typically because of a reluctance to leave. 處
- 2019/03/11 道德經英譯本點評(十九到二十一章)
- 2019/03/10 道德經英譯本點評(十六到十八章)
- 2019/03/09 道德經英譯本點評(十三到十五章)
- 2019/03/08 道德經英譯本點評(十到十二章)
- 2019/03/07 道德經英譯本點評(七到九章)

Jesse Lau
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