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When the ruler looks repressed the people will be happy and satisfied;
When the rule looks lively and self-assured the people will be carping and discontented.
“It is upon bad fortune that good fortune leans, upon good fortune that bad fortune rests.”
But though few know it, there is a bourn where there is neither right nor wrong;
In a realm where every straight is doubled by a crooked, and every good by an ill, surely mankind has gone long enough astray?
Therefore the Sage
Squares without cutting,
Shapes the corners without lopping,
Straightens without stretching,
Gives forth light without shining.
repressed:restrained, inhibited, or oppressed.壓抑。以之譯悶悶,似有不妥。
lively and self-assured:活潑自信。以之譯察察
carping and discontented:吹毛求疵且不滿,以之譯缺缺
bourn:a limit; a boundary.以之譯極
mankind has gone long enough astray:astray,走錯。人之迷,其日固久
You cannot rule men nor serve heaven unless you have laid up a store;
This “laying up a store” means quickly absorbing,
And “quickly absorbing” means doubling one’s garnered “power”.
Double your garnered power and it acquires a strength that nothing can overcome.
If there is nothing it cannot overcome, it know no bounds,
And only what knows no bounds is huge enough to keep a whole kingdom in its grasp.
But only he who having the kingdom goes to the Mother can keep it long.
This is called the art of making the roots strike deep by fencing the trunk, of making life long by fixed staring.
laid up a store:開商店,以之譯嗇
garner:gather or collect (something, especially information or approval).儲存。以之譯積
trunk:the main woody stem of a tree as distinct from its branches and roots.主幹,以之譯柢
Ruling a large kingdom is indeed like cooking small fish.
They who by Tao all that is under heaven did not let an evil spirit within them display its powers.
Nay, it was not only that the evil spirit did not display its powers; neither was the Sage’s good spirit used to the hurt of other men.
Nor was it only that his good spirit was not used to harm other men, the Sage himself was thus saved from harm.
And so, each being saved from harm, their “powers” could converge towards a common end.
the evil spirit did not display its powers:其鬼不神
converge:(of several people or things) come together from different directions so as eventually to meet. 彙合。converge towards a common end 交歸
- 2019/04/04 道德經英譯本點評(五十五到五十七章)
- 2019/03/31 道德經英譯本點評(五十二到五十四章)
- 2019/03/26 道德經英譯本點評(四十九到五十一章)
- 2019/03/23 道德經英譯本點評(四十六到四十八章)
- 2019/03/21 道德經英譯本點評(四十三到四十五章)

Jesse Lau
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