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A股在3000點左右有所調整,這很正常。 除了整數點位,也是60月均線附近。
He who knows the males, yet cleaves to what is female
Because like a ravine, receiving all things under heaven,
And being such a ravine
He knows all the time a power that he never calls upon in vain.
This is returning to the state of infancy.
cleaves:stick fast to.忠於。以之譯守,這個詞有點冷門。
Ravine:a deep, narrow gorge with steep sides. 山溝。以之譯谿
vain:producing no result; useless. 徒然
He who knows the white, yet cleaves to the black
Becomes the standard by which all things are tested;
And being such a standard
He has all the time a power that never errs,
He returns to the Limitless.
He who knows glory, yet cleaves to ignominy
Become like a valley that receives into it all things under heaven,
And being such a valley
He has all the time a power that suffices;
He returns to the state of the Uncarved Block.
ignominy:public shame or disgrace.辱
suffice: be enough or adequate.足
Uncarved Block:無法阻擋。以之譯樸
Now when a block is sawed up it is made into implements;
But when the Sage uses it, it becomes Chief of all Ministers.
Truly, “The greatest carver does the least cutting”.
implement:a tool, utensil, or other piece of equipment, especially as used for a particular purpose.器
The greatest carver does the least cutting 天然去雕飾
Those that would gain what is under heaven by tampering with it - I have seen that they do not succeed.
For that which is under heaven is like a holy vessel, dangerous to tamper with.
Those that tamper with it, harm it.
Those that grab at it, lose it.
holy vessel神器
tamper: exert a secret or corrupt influence upon (someone). 玩弄
For among the creatures of the world some go in front, some follow;
Some blow hot when others would be blowing cold.
Some are feeling vigorous just when others are worn out.
Therefore the Sage “discards the absolute, the all-inclusive, the extreme”.
vigorous:strong, healthy, and full of energy. 強
worn out: (of a person or animal) extremely tired; exhausted. 筋疲力盡。贏
Discards the absolute, the all-inclusive, the extreme:去除絕對、全包括、極端。即為去甚去奢去泰。
He who by Tao purposes to help a ruler of men
Will oppose all conquest by force of arms;
For such things are wont to rebound.
Where armies are, thorn and brambles grow.
The raising of a great host
Is followed by a year of dearth.
wont:(of a person) in the habit of doing something; accustomed. 習慣
thorn and brambles 荊棘
Therefore a good general effects his purpose and then stops; he does not take further advantage of his victory.
Fulfils his purpose and does not glory in what he has done;
Fulfils his purpose and does not boast of what he has done;
Fulfils his purpose, but takes no pride in what he has done;
Fulfils his purpose, but only as a step that could not be avoided.
Fulfils his purpose, but without violence;
For what has a time of vigour also has a time of decay.
This is against Tao,
And what is against Tao will soon perish.
vigour:physical strength and good health.壯 perish:suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way.已
- 2019/03/13 道德經英譯本點評(二十五到二十七章)
- 2019/03/12 道德經英譯本點評(二十二到二十四章)
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- 2019/03/10 道德經英譯本點評(十六到十八章)
- 2019/03/09 道德經英譯本點評(十三到十五章)

Jesse Lau
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