Chapter 2 - The Relic Emerges
6943 words
14 mins read
Eternal Realm: Shadows and Radiance
Volume One: “Omen of Fate”
Chapter 2: The Relic Emerges
The house of Elvin’s fathers, if such a grand name could even be whispered for it, squatted as a small, two-room dwelling, clinging precariously to the very edge of Oakhaven like a tenacious limpet to a barnacle-encrusted rock. It wasn’t much to behold, constructed of roughly hewn logs that grated against each other, chinked with a crumbling mix of mud and straw, its roof a sorry patchwork of weathered shingles that curled at the edges and moss-grown thatch that sagged under its own weight. Inside, the air clung, heavy and still, always holding the persistent scent of damp earth that rose from the floor and woodsmoke that permeated the very timbers, a lingering, musty aroma that relentlessly clung to the threadbare tapestries and faded, ghostly memories that remained as the only tangible inheritance Elvin truly possessed.
Sunlight, weak and watery even for the forgiving hour of mid-morning, barely managed to tentatively penetrate the grime-streaked windows that faced the east. Dust motes danced and swirled in the faint, fractured beams, momentarily illuminating the sparse, worn furnishings: a sturdy wooden table that bore countless scars from years of rough use, a few mismatched chairs that creaked ominously under even the lightest weight, and a large, imposing iron-bound chest that dominated one shadowy corner of the room, casting long, distorted shadows that stretched and shifted with the meager light. This chest, heavy and cumbersome to even contemplate moving, served as the reluctant repository of what Elvin’s family stubbornly considered their most prized treasures – not glittering gold or sparkling jewels, for those were extravagant luxuries they had never even remotely known, but humble objects deeply imbued with sentimental value, fragile relics desperately clinging to a past that was slowly, inexorably fading into the swirling mists of time.
Elvin stepped cautiously through the deepening dimness, his footsteps deliberately soft on the worn wooden floorboards that groaned under his weight. He was reluctantly engaged in the tedious, soul-numbing task of meticulously sorting through the chest’s chaotic contents, a tiresome chore he had been actively putting off, procrastinating, for weeks. His grandmother, bless her dearly departed soul that likely now roamed some ethereal plane, had undeniably been a prodigious hoarder of sorts, pathetically unable to willingly part with even the most utterly insignificant trinket if it even remotely held a fleeting memory, however faint, however meaningless to anyone else. Now, with the house feeling colder and emptier than ever in her echoing absence, Elvin felt a heavy, unwelcome duty to finally clear out the accumulated, suffocating clutter, to desperately impose some semblance of order, however futile, on the scattered, disjointed remnants of their long shared life. He sighed, his breath fogging slightly in the chill air.
He heaved upwards, straining muscles he didn’t know he had, lifted the heavy, stubbornly resistant lid of the chest, its aged hinges groaning loudly in pained protest after years of neglect and disuse, the sound scraping against the silence of the room. The interior air wafted outwards, smelling strongly of dry, decaying wood and something else, something indefinably musty and old, like brittle old paper that crumbled to the touch and dried herbs that released a faint, ghostly fragrance, a complex, layered fragrance that strangely evoked a bewildering mix of bittersweet comfort and profound melancholy. He reached tentatively into the dark chest, his hesitant fingers brushing nervously against layers of aged, yellowed linen that crinkled like dry leaves and fragile yellowed parchment that threatened to disintegrate at the slightest touch. He pulled carefully out a small, tightly bound bundle of his grandmother’s dried lavender, its once vibrant scent, though undeniably faded by time, still faintly lingering, a ghost of its former self. He inhaled deeply, his nostrils flaring, a fleeting, involuntary ghost of a smile momentarily touching his lips as he remembered her meticulously placing it in his pockets as a child, whispering it would magically ward off ill humors and mischievous sprites. He set the lavender aside gently on the dusty table, his eyes now scanning, probing, the deeper, shadowy recesses of the chest, seeking something, anything, of real meaning.
He uncovered a tarnished silver locket, its once intricate carvings now sadly worn smooth and indistinct with the relentless passage of time and countless, loving handling. He flipped it open with a click, his gaze immediately falling, drawn as if by an invisible string, upon the faded miniature portrait nestled within – a stern-faced man with piercing, unnervingly intense blue eyes – his grandfather, a man he had frustratingly never known, a shadowy figure from whispered stories. He stared at the miniature, his brow furrowing, then closed the locket with a soft, decisive click, a sudden, sharp pang of inexplicable longing unexpectedly twisting painfully in his chest for a lineage he barely understood, a heritage shrouded in mystery and silence. He placed the locket carefully beside the lavender, reluctantly adding to the small, pathetic growing pile of sorted, mostly useless items. “Dust and memories,” he muttered under his breath, his voice sounding strangely loud in the quiet room. “That’s all we ever really leave behind.”
He delved even deeper into the chest, his hand now encountering something unexpectedly smooth and strangely cool beneath the scratchy layers of fabric. He frowned, his forehead creasing, his curiosity suddenly piqued, ignited. He pushed impatiently aside a heavy, intricately embroidered cloth – a faded, time-worn tapestry clumsily depicting a now indistinct scene of valiant knights valiantly battling monstrous, vaguely dragon-like creatures, undoubtedly another of his grandmother’s absurdly cherished relics – and finally uncovered the mysterious object that had so stubbornly caught his wandering attention. He leaned closer, his breath held, his eyes widening slightly.
It rested nestled snugly amongst the soft folds of the aged tapestry, utterly unassuming in its quiet presence, yet strangely, undeniably compelling, drawing his gaze, holding it captive. It was a stone, roughly the size of his own outstretched palm, a smooth, imperfect oval in shape and seemingly unremarkable at first, casual glance. It initially appeared to be crafted from some dark, dense obsidian-like material, almost black, yet it subtly possessed a peculiar, captivating inner luminescence that hinted at depths unseen. A soft, gentle glow mysteriously emanated from deep within its core, a faint, almost imperceptible pulsating light that strangely seemed to quietly breathe with a hidden life entirely of its own. It wasn’t a harsh, aggressive bright light that seared the eyes, but a subtle, soothing radiance, like ethereal moonlight softly filtered through dark, still water.
Elvin reached out slowly, hesitantly, lifted the stone carefully, his nervous fingers instinctively closing cautiously around its surprisingly smooth, cool surface. It felt unexpectedly light, almost deceptively weightless in his hand, yet undeniably solid and strangely substantial in his grasp, resting comfortably in his palm. As his tentative fingers finally made full, deliberate contact, a faint, unexpected warmth suddenly spread quickly through his hand, a subtle tingling sensation that gently moved stealthily up his arm like a slow, creeping electric current, awakening dormant nerves. He stared intently at the stone, his dark brows involuntarily drawing together in genuine puzzlement, his eyes narrowing in concentration. He had genuinely never seen anything even remotely like it before in his entire life. He rotated it slowly in his hand, his fingers tracing its contours, meticulously examining it closely from all possible angles, searching for any clue, any marking. There were no visible markings, no telltale carvings, just the uniformly smooth, dark, impenetrable surface and the soft, unwavering internal glow that pulsed gently.
He held it closer still to his face, his breath now shallow, his eyes now relentlessly scrutinizing its enigmatic depths, seeking answers within its dark heart. The soft glow inexplicably seemed to subtly intensify slightly, almost impossibly responding directly to his increasing proximity, or perhaps it was simply his overactive imagination, his mind nervously playing tricks in the dim, shadowy light, desperate for meaning. He suddenly felt an inexplicable, irresistible pull towards the strange stone, a silent, insistent invitation to bravely delve deeper into its alluring, unfathomable mystery. He nervously wondered aloud to the empty room where it could possibly have come from, how it could have inexplicably ended up amongst his family’s meager, mundane possessions, hidden amongst dusty tapestries and forgotten trinkets. His grandmother had inexplicably never mentioned it, never even vaguely spoken of such a unique, strangely glowing stone. It felt almost as if it had been deliberately, carefully hidden, purposefully tucked away in the deepest recesses of the chest and deliberately forgotten by everyone but the chest itself.
Intrigued beyond measure, Elvin instinctively tightened his grip protectively on the smooth stone, his thumb involuntarily stroking, caressing, its cool, polished surface. As he tentatively did so, the faint, comforting warmth in his hand abruptly intensified dramatically, suddenly spreading rapidly further up his arm, now inexplicably reaching his shoulder, tingling across his skin. The subtle tingling sensation now grew demonstrably stronger, no longer just gentle and pleasant but now undeniably possessing a distinct, almost aggressive vibrancy, a palpable, humming energy that distinctly vibrated insistently beneath his skin, raising gooseflesh despite the warmth. He suddenly felt a strange, unfamiliar pressure rapidly building in his chest, a constricting, tightening sensation that inexplicably made it slightly harder to breathe, his lungs struggling to expand fully.
Suddenly, shockingly, the stone clutched tightly in his trembling hand violently flared with a blinding burst of unexpected light. Not a searing, painful flash that burned the retinas, but a sudden, intensely powerful surge of the soft inner glow, unexpectedly bathing the previously dim room in an almost ethereal, otherworldly radiance that banished the shadows and illuminated every dust mote. The colors inexplicably trapped within the stone wildly shifted and swirled, violently becoming impossibly more vibrant, impossibly more sharply defined, pulsating with an inner fire. Elvin instinctively flinched, his eyes involuntarily widening in startled surprise, drawing sharply back, stumbling backwards. But he physically couldn’t release his grip on the stone. It inexplicably felt almost as if it had somehow magically fused itself directly to his hand, its comforting warmth now abruptly searing, almost painfully hot, yet strangely, inexplicably… exhilarating, intoxicating.
A massive, overwhelming wave of raw energy suddenly surged violently through him, inexplicably originating directly from the stone now fused to his hand, relentlessly coursing wildly through his veins like molten fire, igniting every nerve ending. His senses abruptly sharpened to an almost unbearable degree, the previously muted, background sounds of distant Oakhaven – the faint, rhythmic barking of a lonely dog, the slow, creaking groan of a distant wagon wheel, the muffled, indistinct voices drifting from the distant tavern – suddenly becoming startlingly crystal clear, almost painfully loud, assaulting his ears. The faint, familiar scent of woodsmoke suddenly intensified tenfold, violently filling his nostrils, overwhelmingly mingling with the musty, earthy smell of the old house and something else entirely, startlingly new, something sharply metallic and strangely clean, like the pungent tang of ozone that lingered in the air after a violent lightning strike.
His vision momentarily blurred and swam, the room spinning wildly, then just as abruptly snapped back into sharp, hyper-realistic focus, but the familiar world now undeniably looked profoundly different, somehow… impossibly brighter, impossibly more vibrant, as if a veil had been lifted from his eyes. Colors inexplicably seemed richer, deeper, almost impossibly saturated, the rough textures of the aged wood and worn fabric in the room suddenly more distinct, more tangibly real, more intensely present. He looked abruptly down at his trembling hand, still desperately clutching the now intensely glowing stone that pulsed in his grip. The light emanating from it rhythmically pulsated, strangely in perfect sync with the frantic, thunderous beating of his own terrified heart.
He suddenly felt something profound deep within him… violently awaken, stirring, stretching, coming alive. It was a wholly unfamiliar sensation, unlike absolutely anything he had ever experienced in his short life before, a raw, overwhelming feeling of immense, untapped potential suddenly, explosively stirring deep within his very core, unfurling like a tightly coiled spring suddenly released. It was strangely like a dormant, long-forgotten muscle violently flexing, a hidden, atrophied sense suddenly igniting, a vital, integral part of him that had been inexplicably sleeping, dormant, for his entire uneventful life abruptly, violently waking up, roaring to life. He suddenly felt a terrifying surge of raw, untamed power, utterly unfamiliar yet strangely, disturbingly… familiar, as if he had always unknowingly possessed it, hidden deep within, but had simply been completely, blissfully unaware of its immense, terrifying existence, its latent potential.
He involuntarily stumbled abruptly back, his legs suddenly feeling weak and unsteady, his knees buckling, his breath coming in ragged, shallow gasps that burned his throat. The familiar room violently seemed to wildly spin sickeningly around him, the solid world beneath his feet suddenly tilting alarmingly, precariously on its ancient axis, threatening to throw him off balance. He desperately clutched wildly at the sturdy table for much-needed support, his knuckles whitening starkly against the rough, splintered wood as he gripped it fiercely. The stone still inexplicably fused to his hand relentlessly continued to softly glow, its light now noticeably softer, strangely gentler, the terrifying intensity of its initial violent flare gradually, thankfully subsiding, receding. The overwhelming surge of raw energy violently coursing through him slowly, reluctantly receded, gradually leaving behind a lingering, comforting warmth, a subtle, persistent hum of residual power that still faintly vibrated persistently beneath his skin, a quiet promise of more to come.
He involuntarily closed his tightly squeezed eyes, leaning heavily, desperately against the solid table for support, his head still violently spinning, his stomach churning. He felt utterly disoriented, completely overwhelmed by the sheer sensory overload, yet also strangely, paradoxically… intensely invigorated, inexplicably alive in a way he had never even remotely been before, his senses heightened, his awareness sharpened. He slowly, cautiously opened his eyes again, his unfocused gaze finally falling once more, as if magnetically drawn, upon the strange, softly glowing stone still inexplicably clutched tightly in his trembling hand. It now steadily glowed with a calm, soft, unwavering light, no longer violently pulsating, its vibrant, impossible colors now thankfully muted, strangely calmer, almost… peaceful.
He stared transfixed at it, his mind desperately reeling, frantically trying to somehow make sense, to rationally explain what had just inexplicably happened, what he had just undeniably experienced. The impossible, mysterious streams of light in the ominous sky, the unreadable runes, the strange, unsettling unease he had inexplicably felt since that night, and now this… this impossibly glowing stone, this terrifying surge of unimaginable energy that had violently ripped through him. It suddenly felt as if the ominous night had not just been a distant harbinger, a vague warning, but a direct catalyst, a deliberate trigger that had inexplicably set something truly profound, something undeniably momentous, irrevocably in motion. And he, ordinary young Elvin, still standing trembling in his dusty, utterly unremarkable home, mindlessly holding this undeniably strange, softly glowing relic, was now somehow, terrifyingly, at the very precarious center of it all. He suddenly knew, with a dawning, chilling certainty that both inexplicably thrilled and utterly terrified him to his very core, that his previously ordinary life had just irrevocably, completely changed in a way he could never have possibly imagined. The quiet, predictable existence he had comfortably known was undeniably over, shattered into a million pieces. A terrifyingly new path, utterly unknown and undeniably perilous, had just violently opened abruptly before him, suddenly, irrevocably illuminated by the soft, insistent, yet now strangely comforting glow of the enigmatic Dawn Stone, still inexplicably fused to his trembling hand. “Dawn Stone…” he whispered, the words barely audible, tasting them on his tongue like a foreign, yet familiar, incantation. “Is that… is that what you are?”
他盯着石头,思绪万千,试图理解刚才发生的一切,试图为这超乎常理的经历找到一个合理的解释。昨晚天空中出现的那些神秘的光带,那些无法解读的符文,他内心深处那股莫名的不安,以及现在…这块发光的石头,这股流经他全身的强大能量。这一切,仿佛都在预示着什么,一个模糊的警告,一个直接的催化剂,一个不可避免的开端。而他,平凡的艾尔文,依旧颤抖地站在他那落满灰尘、毫不起眼的家中,手中握着这块散发着柔和光芒的石头,不知何故,令人恐惧地,处于这一切的中心。他突然意识到,带着一种既让他兴奋又让他恐惧的情感,他那平凡的生活,已经彻底改变了,他所熟悉的那个平静的、一成不变的生活,已经彻底结束了,支离破碎。一条崭新的、未知的、充满危险的道路,在他面前展开,被手中这块神秘的黎明石那柔和而坚定的光芒所照亮。“黎明石…” 他低声说道,声音几乎微不可闻,这两个字在他的舌尖上,像是一句陌生的咒语,却又带着一丝熟悉。“你…你就是黎明石吗?”
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Authored By Jesse Lau
A freelancer living in New Zealand, engaged in website development and program trading. Ever won 1st ranking twice in the Dukascopy Strategy Contest. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.